On 27th July, 2024 the ITF India Council (MO377) hosted an ITF sanctioned Masterclass conducted by ITF under Secretary, Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree from Australia.
The Masterclass was attended by members across various Indian regions, under the International Taekwon-Do Federation banner of President Choi Jung Hwa, as well as from United ITF Australia (INO23).
In very warm Chennai conditions, students underwent 6 hours of vigorous training, in ITF Fundamentals, with a focus on power application and development, ITF Gup and Black Belt Patterns along with some Tournament Sparring drills.
The work rate and concentration was intense and the camaraderie among the group was wonderful, given various ITF India organizations were represented.
The ITF India Masterclass was held at the Decathlon Sports Centre in Nolambur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu region of India. Master Muleta, who is also the CEO of Global Fitness Institute, was quite impressed with both the Sports Centre and retail outlet, visiting several locations in Chennai during his stay.
Thank you to Mr Radhakrishnan (ITFIC) and Mr Parvendhan for their hospitality and organization.
We look forward to the next opportunity to bring India groups together to exchange training ideas and friendship.